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Group Classes

We offer a wide range of group classes for both children and adults at multiple levels of experience. 


Beginner Adult: 

Designed for those who have never taken flamenco.  Basic technique, hand movement, expression and coordination of feet and arms. 


Intermediate Adult: 

Emphasis on techniques and understanding of song, lyric and movement using improvisational skills and choreography.


Advanced Adult:

Emphasis on Choreography and style.  Taking advantage of the choreography of several different “palos” to focus on in upper body movement and  performance skills. 


Technique/Improv skills

Technique with both footwork, upper body and movement.  Lessons in Improvisation. 



​Emphasis on the relationship between cante and dance and how to understand it to enhance performance skills. 


Cajon (percussion)

Basic flamenco cajon (percussion) class.  Focus on timing and rhythms of flamenco palos.



Beginner Niñas/Niños: 

Children ages 5 &up.  Learn basic posture, moves and music. 



Intermediate Niñas/Niños: 

Pre-teens who have taken flamenco.  More challenging choreography with emphasis on style. Understanding of song to the dance.

Senoritas (Teens)

Teens at intermediate or above level of flamenco.  Emphasis on technique and understanding choreography and solo dances

Private Lessons

Scheduled with individual teachers for those who wish to intensify their focus on specific elements they wish to grasp.

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